BASED on latest reports and after consulting experts, we believe the full story on the mRNA vaccines’ safety aspects is not out, especially the ultra-sensitive and unstable mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer, which would require refrigeration of -70 degrees to -80 degrees Celsius. 

Even the 95% efficacy claimed by Pfizer and Moderna has been challenged by a world-renowned scientist, Peter Doshi, Associate Editor of the highly respected British Medical Journal in an article on Jan 4.

 There are two processes involved in developing and producing a vaccine:

  • First, the research and development (R & D) and production of the untested “rough cut” vaccine, which can take place rapidly. This is fine as we are NOT against using high tech or technological progress as long as it is not harmful.
  • But the second and most important part: conducting preclinical trials (on animals) first and then, the human clinical trials, which must NOT be rushed. Three to five years is needed to respond to the vaccine, which normally stays in our body for a long time.

The same people in the US, including health officials such as Dr Anthony Fauci, who are now aggressively promoting the US mRNA vaccines, have lost credibility over the Face Mask Scandal in the West last year, resulting in huge, uncontrolled infections and fatalities.

They claimed that face mask was NOT effective but they also said that due to a shortage, it should be reserved for frontline workers only. So, if it could work to protect frontline workers, how come it could not work for others?

Then they used that racist narrative (promoted by then US President Donald Trump) that wearing face masks was an “Asian culture”, knowing that their adversary China is a global manufacturing centre for face masks.

One main component of the very unstable mRNA vaccine, PEG (polyethylene glycol) coating of nanoparticles, is already suspected to cause many reported severe side effects on those who have taken the vaccine.

A scientific article on Dec 21 last year, in the highly respected, reported that “suspicions grow that nanoparticles (PEG) in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions”. Health authorities in the US are concerned enough to study the matter further.

On Jan 7, it was reported that the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that it was carefully monitoring allergic reactions triggered by Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and urged individuals who had a serious reaction not to get the second dose.

There are many high-profile cases among people who died or suffered serious side-effects after taking the Pfizer mRNA vaccines.

The mRNA vaccine (that our country has ordered 25 million doses for 12.5 million people) is developed by a well-known serial corporate criminal with a total penalty of US$4.7 bil since 2000 for various crimes committed including bribery.

It has a terrible track record on safety & integrity, including the death of 11 children in Nigeria in 1996 due to botched clinical trials on 200 children for their antibiotic drug called Trovan.

There are much safer, effective and cheaper alternatives, home remedies and practices (also we can learn from China on how they could overcome the pandemic last year, within their borders, without resorting a vaccine) such as:

  • Other safer vaccines such as Oxford University/Astra Zeneca vaccine (using new but tried & tested technology) and the proven technology of using attenuated or inactivated virus from nature such as China’s Sinovac vaccine called CoronaVac.
  • IVERMECTIN, anti-parasitic and anti-viral wonder drug in tablet form, which has been proven to be safe. It has just been reported on Jan 22 that our Health Ministry (MOH), which has openly stated that Ivermectin is “cheap, easily available and safe for us”, would be developing clinical trials in Malaysia to determine its efficacy in treating COVID-19. This is good and welcomed news. But we would like to propose a step further.

The new & unverified Pfizer mRNA vaccine was quickly approved by our NPRA without any clinical trials being done here while clinical trials in the US for mRNA vaccines were INCOMPLETE by normal protocol and were rushed in eight months instead of the normal three years.

But they were approved by US FDA under the Emergency Authorisation. So why can’t our National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) approve Ivermectin for public use first and still do the clinical trials?

Anti-viral Nasal Spray just developed by Canadian firm Sanotize, has been tested and approved by Health Canada. Convenient and relatively cheap to use. Found to be effective and safe in preventing and treating COVID-19.

This seems to be another godsend product which may face similar hurdles like Ivermectin from parties with vested interest who would oppose it. – Jan 25, 2021

The statement above was jointly signed by Muslim Consumer Organisation Malaysia, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (Patriot), Covid Research Centre, Think Tank Unit and Asian Heritage Museum (AHM) Group.

Article by: Focus Malaysia


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