NGOs laud council to address high cost of living   New Straits Times   Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News

KUALA LUMPUR: The government must deliver its promises to form a council to address issues involving the high cost of living.

Federation of Malaysian Consumer Associations (Fomca) president Datuk Dr Marimuthu Nadason said it was the right time for the government to do so as the people were currently burdened with the current high cost of living.

“We welcome the decision by the government to form a council in effort to address the issue.

“But, we want the government to seriously implement it and not ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’ (doing something half-heartedly),” said Marimuthu when contacted.

He was commenting on the decision by the government to form the National Cost of Living Action Council, which was announced by the Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin at the 2017 Umno General Assembly at Putra World Trade Centre here today.

The decision was made following a motion moved by Umno Youth Information chief Jamawi Jaafar while debating on the economic motion at the Umno general assembly yesterday.

The motion was also welcomed by Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) lead activist Datuk Nadzim Johan.

Nadzim suggested the government should also set up a body to monitor the progress of such a council to ensure it was achieved.

“The announcement alone is not enough. The government must take the matter seriously so that the people won’t cling on to empty promises.

“I suggest for a body (committee) to be set up to monitor the progress of the council. I believe it would create a kind of mechanism to ensure that whatever is being planned is achievable,” he said.

Hamzah, who is also the Umno Supreme Council Member, was instructed to focus on factors contributing to inflation which include housing, transportation, utilities, and food and beverage.

The instruction came from Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who is also the Cost of Living Committee Chairman.

Hamzah said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has also agreed there will be no increase in prices of basic necessities such as sugar, flour, cooking oil, rice and cooking gas (LPG).

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